Saturday, September 1, I went to a worship experience at Elevation Church in the Ballentyne area of Charlotte, NC. It was an experience because I came away with two words. The first being freedom and the second being association. Today, we discuss the first....Freedom. What I liked most about this church was the freedom. Oh my goodness! It was such atmosphere. From the time your foot hit the campus to the time you left the campus. The spirit was already high when we arrived and you could tell that this was normal for them. At first, I saw the dim lights, heard the high music and automatically thought this was going to be like a rock stars concert. Oh but how wrong I was. The more I got into the praise and worship the more I saw people praising God. Teenagers, Milleunnials, 30 somethings, 40 somethings, and all ages older and younger. For the last 12 years I have attended church. And while I have felt free at times, the freedom that I felt on this campus was extremely different. These youngsters did not care about how others worshipped. They did not care if you jumped up and down or if you cried tears or if you sung songs right along with them or if you raised your hands - - - - - none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was that you praised God and gave him the glory. Freedom. We talk about having liberty in our churches. But this church had achieved just that by allowing it’s members to be themselves. What a glorious and beautiful thing it was to experience and I cannot wait to experience it again. So if you have are in Charlotte, North Carolina and want to have a different type of worship experience visit Elevation Church. If you’re obligated to attend a friend or family members church on Sunday morning, no worries because they have services Saturday afternoon and with more than one campus in the local area, I’m sure you’ll be able to find one near you.
Stay tuned to the next installation that discusses the Word preached.
Be a Blessing and Not just Blessed.