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Judge Not

My process is just that, a process. It takes time, attention, commitment, love, faith, patience, endurance, and oh so much more. But, it is mine. It is my journey, my walk, my vision. Don’t judge this process. Don’t think that you automatically know where someone has been.

During a recent transition from one job to the next, it amazes me that those new to me, think that I have no idea of how to be a secretary/administrative assistant. From 1990 -1994, I was trained in business by one of the best (thanks Aunt Vel!!). These were my high school years. These were the years that my foundation was set. Over the next 20+ years, this training increased and allowed me to train others. No, you weren’t with me as I was trained. No, you didn’t see the training. But, that doesn’t mean that the training didn’t happen.

I say this all to say, don’t judge!!! My walk, this journey, hasn’t been witnessed by all because it wasn’t supposed to be. We each come into contact with others on a regular basis. Some of those people will stay in your life for a season and others for a lifetime. Yet, others are only there for a specific reason and when their assignment has been completed, they depart. Be careful and know why you are in someone else’s life. Are you there to depart wisdom, guidance, love? Are you there to help them through a season? Are you there to push them into a new season? Are you the so open to things of this world that you are being used by the enemy to antagonize another human being? Be careful of that last one. That last one, can get you into a heap of hot water with the Master. Being open to the enemy’s use won’t benefit you. Do you really want to be used by Satan and his forces? Do you want to sit at the table of the one you pushed into their destiny and see what God has prepared for them by allowing you to be used by Satan? Oh yeah. Make no mistakes about it. The devil had to ask God for permission. Question is, what did God see in you that He said yes? Why was your flesh so open to be used to hurt another person? Where is thy heart rooted?

“13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. “(Galatians 5:13-15)

What does it help you to hate one another? To abide in the flesh? To destroy another human being? We are called to be free, to serve, and to love. Don’t you know that if you devour me, there will be another that comes and devours you? My momma use to tell us to treat others as you want to be treated. I was amazed sitting in a meeting this week and hearing this from the one person in the office that sets the opposite tone. Satan pays attention too.

Question of the day – How will you be used – for God’s glory or Satan’s?

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