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Joy In My Soul

I was asked to participate in Bible Study a couple of weeks ago. The assignment was to tell what I was grateful for. I began to think on it and wanted to make sure that what I released was what He wanted me to say to His people. Before I could finish forming that thought, my soul began to bubble over. The joy that began to overtake my heart, mind, body, and soul came from this pure place of love and gratitude. It didn’t need to be rehearsed or written down.

One of the most precious things in my life is the relationship that I have with God. I heard a woman of God say that God should know your name. I’m blessed because I’ve heard Him call me by my name. Now, those conversations haven’t always been warm and fuzzy ones but they’ve always come from a place of love. Because even in His correction, God shows His love.

Here’s a challenge to those of you reading. Begin walking around your house, room, or wherever you are and begin telling God how grateful you are. Don’t think, speak or rather let your heart speak. Let your heart rule over your head as you control that unruly organ (that tongue) and edify the Lord. Tell Him what He means to you.

I hadn't posted this blog yet although I wrote it back on March 20. Today, Prophetess Sharise Harrison preached on endurance. God released to His people that we must endure until the very end. Here is what I know and what was confirmed today - Count it all joy. All issues, all problems, all storms, all struggles. Count them all Joy. All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called. (That I covered some months ago.)

God has this perfect way of bringing us full circle. I wrote this blog with love in my heart. Not fully understanding His meaning. Yet, today, He brought it right back to me. The reason for the hardship, the not understanding, the questioning of why - its for His glory. He gave me a mission last year. One I completed without fully understanding the intent. Whether I understood or not, what I knew was that He had a plan. My job wasn't to question but to follow. He gets the joy of seeing His children trusting and believing in Him.

While you are walking around your home, room, space telling God how grateful you are. Also thank Him for the struggle. Yep, thank Him that He created you to endure the hard times. Thank Him that He is the perfect Potter creating a masterpiece in you. During Praise and Worship this morning, I heard "no boundaries between me (Nakya) and You (God)". What would happen if we stopped boxing God into a box too small for Him? What if we truly get naked before the Lord? Telling Him instead of our family and friends of our sorrow, joy, pain, and all else that has settled into the deep crevices of our hearts. I truly believe that if we can do this, then we can - Count It All JOY!!!!

Be A Blessing and NOT Just Blessed

- Nakya


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