Some time ago, I was standing in church, listening to the Word go forth. I couldn't understand it but I heard God say, create a basket with your hands. My eyes were closed as I was in worship. The church was packed but I felt as if it was just me and God.
I heard Him say again, make a basket with your hands. I did and He said it wasn't big enough. I opened my eyes and looked up. Huh? Initially, shy as I thought people were going to think I was crazy, then I realized, what does it matter what they think when God has given me a command. So, I enlarged my arms, made them bigger. I knew God was filling my basket. I felt His presence giving me what I needed. I felt like I needed so much at the time. Wanted so much. Didn't feel like I was worth asking for the blessings that He had for me. But, my heart, my heart yearned for them.
Now, let's back up a minute. Getting to this point. God had done some unusual things already in my life. There had been times when I was having a conversation with Him. It was just me and Him, having these conversations. Just me and Him talking. I never told anyone what He and I discussed. Things that were my heart's desire. Then, BAM!!! Someone blessed me with some thing, a Word, a nugget of hope that answered my prayers, that quenched the yearning in my heart.
God will do the unusual to get our attention. Trust Him. I challenge you as I challenge myself to embrace 1 Thessalonians 5:19: Do not quench the Spirit (NIV). When God gives you something unusual, check your obedience level. Are you willing to do whatever He says whenever He says? Check to see if you are willing to look crazy in public to be obedient in public because doing it in the sanctuary of our homes isn't always a test.
Be A Blessing and not Just Blessed
- Nakya