First and Foremost - Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Today is a day of showing those you love your love. The most important love we can have in life is God's Love. There are times in our lives when we ask what is happening and why is it happening. I was pleased to read this article today on iBelieve.com ”9 Reasons Why God Isn't Rescuing You" and was blessed by it. One of the reasons caught my eye above the others - #4 - He knows that a rescue wouldn't be best. WOW!!! We suffer yet the lesson in the suffering is what is best for us. The issue isn't really the suffering. It's taking the time to learn the value of the suffering.
It goes like this. As a parent, I didn't realize when my son was young that the time I was putting into him, into our relationship, that he would value it the way he does now that he's 20 (almost 21 - YIKES!!!). I've been working a job and putting in 50-60 hours a week. One Saturday, he said, "Mom, we haven't spent any time together, we need a day for us". The mom in me was celebrating that my 20-year-old recognized that our time together had been limited. Those days in his teens when I wanted to spend time with him, yet he spent it with his friends were easily forgotten as we shared a meal and laughs. The struggle then was getting him to see the value of investing time in our relationship and knowing in the meantime that his lack of time with me didn't minimize his love for me. The reward came many years later as I accepted that he learned the lesson and applied it himself. Any good parent - emphasis on good - wants their child to appreciate them and what they do. God is no different.
Sometimes, I will have to suffer through something to learn a valuable lesson then I will have to apply that lesson to my life's journey. Makes sense, right? Now walk it out. If you know nothing else, know this.... leave the journey to the planner - The Lord, thy God. Stop moaning and complaining or the journey will extend itself. Ask the children of Israel. Know that He has a plan in mind and praise Him in advance for the lesson you learned.
Be A Blessing and Not Just Blessed
- Nakya