Getting ready for work this morning, I started my routine - quiet time with God, prayer, shower, etc. I listen to music in the morning to start my day, normally its modern gospel music. The first song I heard was William McDowell's Releasing A Sound. He speaks of God releasing a sound for those that want to receive it that will cause a shift. He goes on to say that God won't be found in the usual place but He wants us to find Him in a new place.
My heart rejoiced in hearing this this morning. I see God moving but what I've been seeing is different than that which I've seen before. This new season is different. This new season is what I heard Pastor John Gray confirm back on February 5 as I watched him on television - "In this season, no long prayers, just speak it". The season for long meaningless prayer has ended. The season where you want to show others how deep and profound you are has receded. The season of you being you and you being top dog has gone away with the breeze of the sky. This season - This season - This season is different. The wind is different, the move is different. If you are waiting on God to do the same thing, you'll be waiting forever. This is no longer a season of you waiting. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). This is a season where you will have to step outside of yourself and do has you have been empowered, called, anointed, appointed to do . If you ignore His call, don't expect an answer to your call. If you ignore His purpose, don't except an end to your hell. God is moving. The cloud is no longer where it was. The cloud has moved. Yahweh has called for you to release a sound inside of yourself. Will you have the courage to do it? Will you step out on faith when it looks bleak? Will you say okay God, I trust You AND really mean it? Lip service time is over. Get thee ready. Your phone is about to ring. The inner phone, the inner call. Get thee ready.
After hearing Releasing the Sound, the next song was Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Break Every Chain. It was amazing to me that God would send Releasing the Sound then Break Every Chain. Then I had to stop and really hear the words being released into the atmosphere. Are you with me? Release the sound that He has already established within you. Release the purpose, release the power, release Him to do as He wants with His created vessel. Release. Only when you release will the chains break. Only when you do your part (your work) will He do His part. Your faith must activate your work so your chains can be broken. Hope you go that because God just told me to move.
Your faith this season has nothing to do with others, but it has everything to do with you. What is your relationship with God? Where does it stand? What are you willing to sacrifice? John F. Kennedy said ask not....I'm sure you know the rest. Ask not of God that which you aren't willing to sacrifice to get. Hell will come but if you trust Him it won't uproot you. It won't stop you and as a matter of fact, you'll have peace to go through it. You'll understand Nehemiah 8:10 - that the JOY of the Lord is my strength. Where does your strength lie? Where is your joy? Whom do you trust - the doctor, bill collector, boss, family member, friend, person on the street?
New season. New direction. New joy. New strength. New you that is empowered, strong, intelligent, and willing. Get thee ready!